Jan 28, 2019
Interviewed by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers
In advance of my keynote in Austria on April 2, I was asked about the future of journalism
I'll be in Vienna in early April, speaking at the European Digital Media Awards ceremony. To get a sense of the flavour of the upcoming talk, I was interviewed by journalist Chris Sutcliffe. You can read the interview here.
An excerpt:
“It’s funny: I’ve included augmented reality in my stories for 20 years now. As it finally becomes a viable technology, I find myself doubting it more and more. At first it seemed natural and convenient that we should want to explode the images and interfaces currently inside our screens out onto the physical world. But that may be a terrible idea for a number of reasons...
Aug 17, 2013
My 2013 Worldcon schedule
It's a busy one, though I'll only be there for Saturday and Sunday
Keeping in the spirit of dumping all kinds of news at once, here's my schedule for the 2013 World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio, Texas, which is taking place over the Labour Day weekend. It's a whirlwind visit as I need to get back to Toronto to continue futuring for my new employer, Idea Couture. Luckily, I've got lots going on. If I'm lucky, I'll even get there early enough Friday night to take over the bathtub bar at the Tor party. We'll see. Meanwhile, here's my itinerary:
Reading: Karl Schroeder
Saturday 10:00 - 11:00
Karl Schroeder
Ellen Datlow, Josh Rountree, Karl Schroeder, Lynne M. Thomas
Saturday 12:00 - 13:00
Ellen Datlow , Lynne M. Thomas , Josh Rountree , Karl Schroeder
Reality: Your Relationship to the World
Saturday 15:00 - 16:00
Google Glasses, augmented reality, kinetic gaming, tactile transmission systems. These and other new technologies are on the horizon to transmogrify sense and sensation. Google glasses are the first step to putting an overlay on the reality we see. This opens the door to hiding the ugly and changing what we see. When we do this socially it leads to possible consensual reality as in the works of Vinge, Schroeder and others. What will such capability mean in reality? Has science fiction explored the societal consequences?
Edie Stern (M), Yasser Bahjatt , Walter Jon Williams , Ben Bova , Karl Schroeder
Nancy Kress, Edward M. Lerner, Karl Schroeder
Saturday 17:00 - 18:00
Edward M. Lerner , Nancy Kress , Karl Schroeder
Sunday 10:00 - 13:00
We will do a quick analysis of the future, with the end product being four scenarios that highlight different possibilities. Come take your work to the future!
Karl Schroeder
Have We Lost
the Future?
Sunday 14:00 - 15:00
Where science fiction once looked to the future as the setting for speculation, nowadays the focus seems to be on alternate pasts, fantasy worlds, or consciously "retro" futures. We're no longer showing the way to what things might be like. We discuss whether this is connected to the general fear of decline and decay in the English-language world -- or has science fiction simply run out of ideas?
Karen Burnham (M), Brenda Cooper , Karl Schroeder , Willie Siros , Derek Kunsken
As You Know,
Sunday 15:00 - 16:00
Exposition is never easy. How can writers communicate the details of a setting, magical system or incredible scientific breakthrough without losing half their audience? What makes a readers eyes glaze over and how do you avoid it?
Michelle Sagara (M) , Tanya Huff , Karl Schroeder , Jack McDevitt , Walter Jon Williams
First Contact
Without a Universal Translator
Sunday 17:00 - 18:00
How do we establish a common conceptual base to communicate with another species? Sure, we have numbers and the hydrogen atom in common, but how far would that get us in a world of beings who share none of our sensory apparatus?
Lawrence M. Schoen (M) , Paige E. Ewing , Karl Schroeder
By the way, if you want to plan your days, the entire schedule is or will shortly be online at
That's it. See you all there!
Apr 14, 2009
Thanks, Minicon!
We had a great time and hope you guys did too
Paige, Janice, and myself had a fantastic time at Minicon last weekend. I have to say the friendliness of the people and casual atmosphere of the event made GOH-ing an absolutely delightful experience. Keith and Andra, Matt, Joel and Beth, Sharon, David and 7--you all made us feel well taken care of and, personally, made me feel like I was the one being entertained rather than me being the main entertainer.
Minneapolis itself is a great city. Janice and Paige emerged blinking from the depths of the Mall of America carrying various treasures, and I was reminded of my last visit which was also very pleasant.
Minicon is a great convention, and if you're at all in the neighbourhood next year you should definitely drop in. We will whenever we can.
Feb 18, 2009
Boskone: metering out my energy, hanging with the artists
Another great convention and a chance to meet old friends
I've been a little out of shape lately, since the weather's made it difficult for me to get out and do my therapeutic rehab walking. So I was a little nervous about how I'd hold up during Boskone this year; the Westin Waterfront is a huge place, and I had a busy schedule. I shouldn't have worried, though--I did okay, though I did have to blow off one of my panels due to exhaustion.
Most importantly, though, I was able to connect with a lot of people I don't normally get to see--including Oz, Lawrence Schoen, Gregory Feeley, Stacy Hague-Hill, Charlie Stross, Greg Bear, and many more. As has become my habit at this convention, I particularly sought out the artists and art directors--Irene Gallo, Tor's art director, and painters Dave Seeley, Rick Berry and Stephan Martiniere.
Janice and Paige came along but blew off the convention entirely to go swimming, visit the children's museum and aquarium, and shop.
On Sunday night a bunch of us retired to Rick Berry's studio for a laid-back evening. By that time I was at my absolute physical limit but tried not to show it. I managed to make it until midnight and was actually fine for the flight home the next day. Whew! Hopefully I'll be in better shape when Minicon rolls around.
Oct 26, 2008
I'm Minicon 44 Guest of Honour
I'm excited to be asked to be GOH--and pumped that Stephan Martiniere, my cover artist, will be Artist GOH
I'll be GOH at Minicon, Minnesota's longest-running science fiction convention, over Easter weekend, 2009. Past GOH's include luminaries such as Gordon R. Dickson, Poul Anderson, Theodore Sturgeon, Larry Niven and Jack Vance. I'm honored to be in their company!
Minicon is an annual gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans sponsored by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society (Minn-StF). The convention is held each year in or near Minneapolis, Minnesota over Easter weekend. The convention has been running annually (and sometimes twice a year!) since 1968.
Hope to see you there!
Mar 30, 2008
Cyclone Pancho... spiders the size of dinner plates... and a billion flies
It's rained here for the first time in a couple of years--well, somewhat more recently for Kalbarri itself, but there's some locales on the drive up that hadn't seen anything in about that long. Dust storms swirled about the car, kicked up by the distant but felt presence of Pancho. We arrived in Kalbarri in time for rain and winds that bent the palm trees over. Two days later, the wind is still nasty, but we're planning some flights over Shark Bay and elsewhere, optimistic that things will calm down by the weekend.
I'm writing--working away on The Sunless Countries plus a surprise easter egg that Tor dropped in my lap on friday (hint: I'm not happy). Janice and Paige are seeing the sights and just generally kicking back.
Oh yeah, the spiders. Haven't seen one quite that big yet, but I'm assured they do exist. Huge golden orb spiders spin their webs in the evening and drop them down across porch awnings; places you were safe to walk an hour before suddenly have huge webs and bigger-than-thumb-sized spiders that go straight into your face. That's fine, though; it's the flies that are driving us all crazy.
Australian flies are small, but they're insane. They attack you in droves the instant you step outside and try to climb into your ears and nose. Many locals here wear beekeeper hats just to walk down the street (no, I'm not kidding). I'd be lying if I said you get used to them, but primal instincts come into play quite quickly, and you end up walking around waving your hand reflexively in front of your face. Nobody notices.
Other than that, it's paradise--about 30 C right now and gorgeous air.
One corner of Rainbow Jungle, where Janice and I were married in 2001.