Amazon and MacMillan declare war on authors, readers
You might have noticed something about my site has changed
On January 29, 2010, removed all my books from sale on their online store. I wasn't singled out for persecution; all of my peers who publish at Tor Books, and indeed all authors associated with MacMillan Publishing, had their pages killed. (You can still see the pages, but you can't buy anything.)
Up until yesterday, I linked from this website to Amazon, as a matter of convenience for fans who might want to buy my books after browsing these pages. Granted the sheer arbitrariness, pettiness, and anticompetitive nature of the sudden price war between Amazon and MacMillan, I have removed all purchasing links to Amazon from my site, and will not be re-linking even if they restore the frozen pages.
This type of action holds authors and readers hostage to a commercial war between publishing giants. It puts a lie to the idea that we can choose where to buy books in a free marketplace, because this kind of strong-arm tactic is likely just the beginning. Things are turning nasty in the book world, and it's authors and readers who stand to lose the most.