Another great Pirate Sun review
"In the same league as the best SF ever has had to offer..."
Well, I guess I can finally relax. I'd been worried about my choices in crafting the Virga series, because everybody seemed to have opinions about where the story should go next, and their ideas never seemed to jibe with my own. "Hayden Griffin has to come back in book three!" "The third book needs to go outside Virga and look at Artificial Nature!" And on and on. I had this terrible feeling as I was writing Pirate Sun that I was crafting a book that would please no one, and I let it go to Tor's production department with something of a feeling of dread.
Yet now, Ernest Lilley, over at, has this to say:
In the Virga saga, Schroeder demonstrates that he is capable of rich characters, exciting action, compelling plot, and very solid science. ...It's fun in the same league as the best SF ever has had to offer, fully as exciting and full of cool science as work from the golden age of SF, but with characterization and plot layering equal to the scrutiny of critical appraisers.