Yikes! Do I have to sign up right now?
Short answer: no. I'll be writer in residence until the end of May
Due to the last-minute dogpile of publicity about my writer in residence tenure, it may look as though you'll have to scramble to participate. After all, the program starts in just a few days.
Not to worry. I'll be accepting manuscripts for critique and discussion for the next several months. Obviously, if you hand me something on the last day of my appointment, I may not be able to give you the time you deserve, so the sooner the better. But don't panic if you're not ready this week.
I'll continue to post information and links about how to join the program, and I'll also be blogging about it all over at the TPL website (link and more details forthcoming).
Now, the workshops are a little more time-constrained. The sooner you tell TPL if you want to attend those, the easier our organization of the events will be. But I'm not expecting to have gone through a reading/critiquing cycle with you before the workshops. We may not get to meet at all before they happen, but they're different from the one-on-one meetings, so that's fine.
Does this all make sense? If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to contact the library, or me at karl(at)kschroeder.com